Fwd: [9ab22c1880de1d8d]: Cloudflare received a trademark infringement complaint regarding one of your customers.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Cloudflare Trust & Safety" <abuse@notify.cloudflare.com>
Subject: [9ab22c1880de1d8d]: Cloudflare received a trademark infringement complaint regarding one of your customers.
Date: 20 June 2024, 16:16:02 EEST
To: ripe@interlir.com
Reply-To: abusereply@cloudflare.com


Cloudflare received a trademark infringement complaint regarding humoazul.store

Cloudflare offers network service solutions including pass-through security services, a content distribution network (CDN), and registrar services. Due to the pass-through nature of our services, our IP addresses appear in WHOIS and DNS records for websites using Cloudflare, and Cloudflare cannot remove material from the Internet that is hosted by others.

The actual host for humoazul.store are the following IP addresses. Using the following command, you can confirm the site in question is hosted at that IP address: curl -v -H "Host: humoazul.store"

Below is the information we received:

Reporter's Name: Eliza Kulikowska
Trademark Holder's Name:
Reporter's Email Address: ekulikowska@entorno.es
Reporter's Title: Entorno Digital S.A.
Reporter's Company Name: Entorno Digital S.A.
Reporter's Telephone Number: 513096878

Reported URLs:


Original Work: Trademarked Symbol: CLASE AZUL
Registration Number: 90309385
Registration Office: US
Logs or Evidence of Abuse: Please be informed that the website https://humoazul.store/ infringes the rights of our Client, Casa Tradicion S.A., by publishing and selling the counterfeited products of Clase Azul. They sell counterfeits by misusing well-known and protected rights to unique bottle designs (the US trademark no. 90309385 ). Originally, it was a tequila product, but he sold the shots for smoking with the bottle design, which is harmful to our client's reputation as this product is not related in any way to our Client. It is also an example of unfair competition by taking benefits from the Clase Azul brand's worldwide recognition.

I kindly ask you to take firm steps regarding this infringing website and suspend/delete it.


Please address this issue with your customer.

Cloudflare Trust & Safety