[ EGP Cloudblock RBL / 1720566566.20084 ] [ RBL ] (PTR: vm84849.vm.spacecore.network.) added [ strike 1: 3 day minimum ] [ <— COMPROMISED HOST! ] (root IP: (PTR: vm84849.vm.spacecore.network.) was added to the EGP Cloudblock RBL for the following reason:

"Caught scanning for web/mail exploits / compromised hosts [ strike 1: 3 day minimum ]" (see "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION" below)

AUTOMATIC DELISTING POLICY - DO NOT REQUEST DELISTING: https://cloudblock.espresso-gridpoint.net/delisting.html
The EGP Cloudblock RBL has an automated delisting policy. The MINIMUM amount of days that will be listed depends on the amount of times was listed by us before. The current list status for is: [ strike 1: 3 day minimum ].
The countdown to automatic delisting starts at the timestamp of this notification. Delistings will be retried once every hour.

ABOUT THE EGP CLOUDBLOCK RBL: https://cloudblock.espresso-gridpoint.net/
We offer as much information in our reports as we possibly can. Additional information will only be given to you if it is in our own interest to do so.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH AND SECURITY SCANNERS: https://cloudblock.espresso-gridpoint.net/scanners.html
We are willing to suppress abuse reports to you and your ISP/hoster under specific conditions. We will not opt out of your unsolicited probes or scans, nor will we whitelist your IP ranges.

Why did *YOU* get this e-mail?
We like to operate in a transparent and predictable fashion and think you should be made aware of abuse emanating from your IP space; so we will inform you about listing.
Your e-mail address <abuse@spacecore.pro>,<ripe@interlir.com> was retrieved (i.e. best-guessed based on role accounts, handles, and typical contact addresses) automatically from public WHOIS/RDAP data (e.g. https://www.whois.com/whois/ and https://client.rdap.org/?type=ip&object= and other public IP/domain-related information.
If <abuse@spacecore.pro>,<ripe@interlir.com> is not the correct e-mail address to report abuse and security issues inside your network(s), please update your public WHOIS/RDAP data or ask your ISP or IP owner to do so.
The purpose of this email (and a separate email, containing details about the abusive traffic) is to perform a basic, civic Internet duty: to make you aware of abuse coming from an IP address or network under your supervision.
We invite you to look at this information and to take action to prevent it from reoccurring or spreading.
This may be a private list; public lists are even harder to get out of. It may not be too late to salvage your IP space's reputation. Consider this an early warning.
How you decide to handle these reports (if at all) is entirely up to you. We do not require a reply, a ticket, an acknowledgment, or even any action from you. In fact, all automated replies to these reports are discarded.
Just note that repeated abuse from your IP space will lead to an increasingly longer, and increasingly broader, refusal to accept any traffic from you to any of our networks, or our partners' networks.

Check http://multirbl.valli.org/dnsbl-lookup/, https://blocklist.info?, and https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/ for possible other issues with

The continued presence of either an 'SBL' or an 'XBL' listing at https://check.spamhaus.org/listed/?searchterm= will lead to automatic (re)listing when contacts any of our servers, and it will prevent automatic delisting from the EGP Cloudblock RBL.

Is listed in the Spamhaus CSS / Spamhaus SBL? No.
Is listed in the Spamhaus XBL / Abuseat CBL? --> YES. <--

Residential or dynamic hosts should NEVER connect directly to a public SMTP server, they should only send outgoing mail through the relay server of their own ISP or network. These IP addresses will always be blocklisted upon connection to our SMTP servers. Network owners dealing with residential or dynamic hosts are strongly advised to disallow all outbound connections to SMTP servers on their border firewalls.

Is listed in the Spamhaus PBL? No.

A T T E N T I O N ! T H I S I S A C O M P R O M I S E D H O S T !
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- is listed in Spamhaus XBL / Abuseat CBL:
- https://check.spamhaus.org/listed/?searchterm=

Check for other issues with
- http://multirbl.valli.org/dnsbl-lookup/
- https://blocklist.info?
- https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/
Below is an overview of recently recorded abusive activity from
Source IP / Targeted host / Issue processed @ / Log entry (see notes below)

* tpc-018.mach3builders.nl 2024-07-10T01:09:31+02:00 01:09:15.749022 rule 0/0(match): block in on vmx0: > Flags [S], seq 1149838588, win 0, options [mss 1460], length 0
* tpc-026.mach3builders.nl 2024-07-09T23:29:22+02:00 23:29:10.022416 rule 0/0(match): block in on vmx0: > Flags [S], seq 667455512, win 0, options [mss 1460], length 0
* tpc-031.mach3builders.nl 2024-07-09T08:38:20+02:00 08:38:01.526290 rule 0/0(match): block in on vmx0: > Flags [S], seq 419003615, win 0, options [mss 1460], length 0
* tpc-032.mach3builders.nl 2024-07-09T01:32:30+02:00 01:32:11.944132 rule 0/0(match): block in on vmx0: > Flags [S], seq 3919039009, win 0, options [mss 1460], length 0
* Any line containing a 'GET' or a 'POST' request refers to an attempt to access, exploit, or test for, a vulnerability or an attack vector on a webserver.
* The most prevalent attempts are 'wp-login' and 'wp-admin', and Joomla/Drupal equivalents. We host zero WordPress/Joomla/Drupal installations. This is usually a sign of a computer that is itself infected with a trojan or other malware, and is looking to infect other machines.
* Connections must have completed the three-way handshake before being logged and processed; spoofed connection attemtps are not logged and not listed.
* We will not help you solve your problem. Please talk to a professional systems administrator, and/or scan your system using up-to-date antivirus software, and/or talk to your ISP or hoster.

The blocklisted IP address is part of;
1 of this network's 256 IP addresses (0.39%) was blocklisted in the last 90 days
(IP address delimiters changed to ':' to avoid automatic parsing)
80:71:227:189/32 Caught scanning for web/mail exploits / compromised hosts @@1720566566

Note: any "@@" timestamps in this report can be converted to your local time using https://www.epoch101.com/

EGP Abuse Dept. <abuse@abuse.espresso-gridpoint.net>
EGP Cloudblock RBL: https://cloudblock.espresso-gridpoint.net/