Направляется уведомление о внесении в «Единый реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов в сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в сети «Интернет», содержащие…
Рубрика: Hetzner
Hello, It has recently been brought to my attention by a peer that one of your customers — the user holding the public IP…
An IP address ( under your control appears to have attacked one of our customers as part of a coordinated DDoS botnet. We manually reviewed…
########################################################################### Netscan detected from host ########################################################################### time protocol src_ip src_port dest_ip dest_port Thu Jun 3 22:00:21 2021 UDP 38365 => 123Thu Jun…
Dear Sir or Madam, We have evidence that a network scan (or network attack) was carried out on a server belonging to a client of…
########################################################################## # Netscan detected from host # ########################################################################## time protocol src_ip src_port dest_ip dest_port ————————————————————————— Tue Apr 20 18:09:15 2021 UDP 8000 => 1337 Tue Apr 20 18:09:15…
We have indications that there was an attack from your server.Please take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future and to solve the…
##########################################################################> # Netscan detected from host #> ##########################################################################>> time …
Dear Provider, Im George Egri, the Co-Founder and CEO of BitNinja Server Security. Im writing to inform you that we have detected malicious requests from…
########################################################################## # Netscan detected from host # ########################################################################## time protocol src_ip src_port dest_ip dest_port ————————————————————————— Mon Mar 22 09:33:28 2021 UDP 39159 => 3702 Mon Mar 22 09:33:28…